The Living Indubiously Podcast #61 - Robert Roskind - Living a mystical life in service of Love!

Living Indubiously Podcast #57 - Moughenda Mikala

Mystic Vibrosis: A Guide to Living Indubiously
"Mystic Vibrosis - A Guide to Living Indubiously" is the story about how our biggest challenges in life, can turn out to be our biggest blessings. Evan and Spencer Burton of the band Indubious, both band-mates and brothers, were born with a debilitating genetic disorder called Cystic Fibrosis. Convinced at an early age of their inevitably short life expectancy, the brothers have persevered to not only survive their illness, but find their strength and purpose through their challenges. Now, 7 albums later (including #1 billboard chart topping album), with numerous national tours, and legions of loyal fans, Indubious has been catapulted onto the world stage as a powerful force for change and the future of conscious music. After receiving a double lung transplant in 2011 from a man named Marcus Jackson, Evan had never met the family of his late donor, Marcus Jackson, until now. For the first time Evan gets to sit with Ella Jackson, Marcus's mother, to share their stories, to heal, and to revel in the magic and miracle of life.

Directed by: Tim Cash Far from Earth Films
Follow the Burton brothers through the biggest challenge of their lives, and begin to understand the magic of intention, purpose, triumph, and radiant gratitude! Become a subscriber in the field below to become an official Indubian and stay up to date on all things Indubious! Welcome to the Indubian family!